08 October 2016

Bloodsoaked in the Moonlight Chapter 4

Summary: In which Daryl and Bob go on a risky run for Sasha.


“What's going on?” Daryl said, sitting up after something startled him from sleep.
It was broad daylight when Daryl woke up, blinking from a ray of sunlight in his eyes. He could tell by the position of the sun that it was high noon. He was pissed that he'd been allowed to sleep so long, but at the same time he knew his body had needed the rest. Sasha was awake and the pain on her face made Daryl’s stomach tighten. Karen sat beside her, holding her hand, but Daryl knew their quiet conversation wasn't what had pulled him from sleep.
“Firefight outside,” Karen said. “The rest of that gang is here.”
“Can't the doc give her something for pain?”
“He's given her the strongest stuff he's got.”
“I'm ok,” Sasha said weakly.
“You ain't,” Daryl countered. “I'll find something for you.”
The pop pop pop of gunfire was muted but unmistakable. Daryl hopped from the bed and met Sasha's eyes. He'd never been good with his feelings. He had a lot he wanted to say but there was no way he could bring himself to say it, especially with Karen sitting right there, but the way Sasha squeezed his hand and met his stare he had a feeling he didn't need words. She got it. For her part, Karen deliberately looked at the floor to give them what privacy she could until Daryl cleared his throat. He shifted awkwardly on his feet.
“I'm gonna go on out,” he told her. “I'm gonna find a way to get those meds for you.”
Sasha winked. “Don't risk too much. I don't want you dying for some aspirin for my boo-boo.”
She had more than a boo-boo but he wasn't gonna bicker with her about it.  “I ain't the one dying for this shit. They are. All that noise will draw walkers they'll have to deal with.”
He wanted to kiss her but didn't. Being honest with himself, Daryl hated even having the impulse for it. So they'd fucked once, big deal? She wasn't his woman and he wasn't in love. Fuck that. She was a friend and he was tired and…
“See ya later,” he said, and hurried from the room, feeling like an asshole, knowing she probably thought he'd just used her and now didn't want anything to do with her.
It wasn't until he was in the hall that Daryl literally clapped a hand to his face.
See ya later, he thought. Jesus, what was that?
Sasha was in trouble, laying there with a gunshot, in dire need of medicine for surgery, and they'd just fucked hours ago, and he comes up with see ya later ? This was why he avoided relationships, women. They made him doubt himself. They made him say stupid shit like see ya later .
“Daryl, the list,” said Dr. S. He handed Daryl a piece of paper with a list of items that Daryl not only couldn't pronounce, but he couldn't imagine what they looked like, either.
“I'm going with you,” Bob said, approaching with a backpack slung over his shoulder. He was also armed with a gun on his hip, and a knife.
“You were a field medic in the army, right?” Daryl asked.
Bob nodded. “I was trained to shoot, handle a knife, basic hand to hand combat. You won't have to babysit me out there, and I know what to look for.”
“I gotta see what's going on out there,” Daryl said. He looked to the doctor, tilted his head back to the infirmary. “I'm coming back. You keep her alive.”
The doctor nodded. “I'll do my part.”
Daryl and Bob headed for the nearest exit, which wasn't far from C Block. They stepped into the sunlight, saw the barricades up, and saw there were over twenty armed men in front of the prison.
“Beth and Carol are trapped in the tower,” Maggie said, when she spotted Daryl. “They'll be there till nightfall, at the least.
“We can distract them while you and Bob slip out the back door,” said Rick.
“I guess these dicks don't wanna talk,” Daryl said.
“Oh, they talked,” Rick informed him. “The leader is a man named Harry. You killed his brother, Henry, and he wants your blood.
So, Teeth had a brother and he was here for revenge. Daryl peered through the fences and inwardly shivered. It looked like Teeth had survived, come back to life as a living man instead of as a walker.
“Spittin’ image,” said Daryl.
“Sasha ain't got time for you to deal with this mess,” said Tyreese. “Y'all get the medicine. We'll take care of them.”
“The tombs is where we'll head out,” Daryl said. He turned to leave but Rick gripped his arm.
“What those men did...It won't happen again. Not to you, not to our people. I'll see to that.”
Daryl believed him. There was too much conviction in Rick's voice, too much certainty in his eyes.
“We're gonna hit up a veterinarian clinic a few miles from here. Be back by nightfall.”
He turned from the battle, from Rick, and headed inside to get his things.

For such an aggressive group of pricks none of them were very smart. They were all hiding in the trees taking potshots at their people, but Daryl noticed not one of them had sent lookouts around back or the sides of the prison, just in case some of their people tried to sneak out. This guy, Harry, was concentrating all his manpower in one position. That was something Daryl planned to exploit just as soon as he and Bob got back from this run.
Walking was slow-going but they finally got to the jeep they kept on the emergency escape route. It was on an overgrown path, not easily visible either from the prison or the road. They hopped in, Daryl taking the wheel, and Bob riding shotgun. They cut through the thick brush, both men keeping an eye out just in case some of Harry’s men were lurking nearby, looking for any runners. There was nothing.
“This reminds me of a run our group made last year,” Daryl said.
He looked over at Bob.
“Rick’s son, Carl, had gotten shot by accident by a man named Otis. He was a friend of Hershel’s. We took him back to the farm but Hershel didn’t have the equipment he needed to operate. One of our guys, Shane, went on a run with Otis to get the stuff he needed. Otis had been a volunteer EMT. Shane was a former cop, Rick’s best friend.”
“I take it Shane died on the run?” Bob asked. “You're talking about him in past tense.”
“No. He made it. He and Otis got trapped by a bunch of walkers. They were down to their last round. He shot Otis, left him to be eaten by walkers while he escaped and brought the equipment home to save Carl.”
Bob shifted in his seat and tapped his gun on his leg. “You trying to say you’ll do the same—”
“No. I’m saying I’m nothing like Shane,” Daryl told him. “I’m gonna get you home, get the stuff Dr. S needs to save Sasha, safe and sound. Don’t care what I have to do.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” Bob said, but his voice was still tight. Daryl was the one who’d found him on the road but they weren’t close, they didn’t know one another. He didn’t know if Daryl would kill him to save someone he knew better, especially if what Bob suspected about Daryl and Sasha being a little closer than just friends was correct.

They were losing daylight, fast, but some of that was the cloud cover that was rolling in. Daryl parked the car in front of the fence to the vet clinic and killed the engine. Last time he’d seen the place it had been clear of walkers. That wasn’t the case now. There were six in the yard and he could see more lurking inside.
“I’ll draw a few of them off,” Daryl said. “We’ll spread them out, take ‘em out quiet as we can. Last thing we need is gunfire drawing even more of ‘em.”
They hopped out and Daryl approached the fence heading right, while Bob headed left. The walkers came right for them, hands outstretched. Together they took them out with their machetes, hacking into their heads, getting blood and gore splattered on them, uncaring of it though they did.
“Shit. The place is packed,” Bob said.
“Okay. You open the door, let a couple out at a time. I’ll kill ‘em, drag them away, open the door again.”
“That’s gonna take ages. It’ll be dark—”
“We ain’t got no choice,” Daryl said. “There’s too many of them to take head on.”
Of course, as soon as Bob opened the door there were too many to hold back. They crowded the exit, shoving so hard Bob lost his footing and went down. He screamed on instinct, making the walkers bloodlust peak. Daryl gripped the top of his shirt, hauled him back, and lost his knife in the process. At least he managed to get Bob back on his feet.
“The fence!” Daryl shouted.
They hurried back to the other side of the fence, saw there were at least fifteen walkers pouring out of the building.
“Why the hell are there so many in there?” Bob asked.
“Fuck if I know,” Daryl groused. “Last time I was here the place was empty as a tomb.”
He went back to the Jeep, grabbed his crossbow, and fired every last bolt he had while Bob worked at the fence, hacking away. It was slow work, the sun was fading, the clouds thickening and threatening rain. It was proving to be a wet spring and the last thing they needed now was rain to make the ground muddy.
Finally the last walker fell. Daryl took back his bolts, putting the bloodied things back in the quiver to be cleaned later, while loading one back up and keeping it aimed ahead of him, just in case. He got inside first while Bob came in second, flashlight illuminating the dank interior of the clinic. There was nothing inside now but broken furniture and old magazines. Luckily for them they managed to clear the back, where the medicines and equipment were stored, and where the back door was wide open.
“There's the reason for all those things,” said Daryl. “They wandered in.”
“Damn it,” Bob said.
“Dr. S needs some manual pump resuscitation bags. There’s none. We ain't the only people to hit this place up.”
“What about the meds, though?” said Daryl.
“We’ve got…propofol,” Bob said. “That’s all that’s left but that’ll have to do.”
“What’s it do?”
“It’ll knock her out for the surgery but we still need to be able to breathe for her, just in case. Let me keep looking.”
Bob knelt and was throwing vials into his bag, as well as syringes and other equipment. He finally smiled and picked up something, holding it up for Daryl.
“Bupivacaine,” Bob said.
“She can be awake but without pain if we have to,” Bob explained. “We just need to find some bags, just in case. We really need those. There’s a supply closet—”
He started to reach for the door but Daryl halted him. He knocked on it first, waited, listened, and sure enough there was the unmistakable moan of a walker inside. Daryl had Bob pull the door open while he fired inside, then used one of the instruments on the table to take the other walker down.
“Bingo,” Bob said, heading inside. “Oh man, we need all of this shit.”
“Get it, and hurry.”
Bob stuffed his bag, and Daryl’s, with manual pump resuscitation bags, gauze, bandages, antibiotic ointments, and as much of whatever else as much as he could carry, including scalpels. When he was done, he looked with longing at the other stuff inside.
“I wish we could take it all with us. Never know when we may need it.”
Daryl, nodded toward the door. “We'll come back for it when we can. Let’s go. Sasha’s in pain and Dr. S needs to operate soon as possible.”
“So, about you and Sasha,” Bob said. “Something there?”
Daryl growled and stalked toward the exit. Bob sighed. “I’ll mind my own business, then.”

Getting out had been easy, getting the truck parked facing out toward the road, covered  in brush to camouflage it, and then hiking back was a bit more of a job. Apparently Harry had wised up and sent some of his people around the sides of the prison. Getting up and into the tombs without being noticed wasn’t going to be easy. Daryl wanted to curse in frustration. They were so close with everything Sasha needed but four of Harry’s pricks stood in the way.
“I’m gonna get the one on the left,” Daryl whispered. “Take him down quiet. Then I’ll go for the one on the right.”
“I can get him,” Bob whispered back. “A knife to the base of his skull. He won’t make a peep.”
“You sure you can do it? Kill a man?”
“I ain’t got a choice,” said Bob, “so yeah, I can do what I have to.”
Bob got his knife ready. Moving as quietly as they could, using the cover of gunfire up ahead, they snuck up on their prey. Bob moved first, Daryl second, each one taking a man down. Unfortunately for them, Bob’s guy reflexively jerked when the knife penetrated his brain and he fired off a round, alerting his two companions to his and Daryl’s presence.
Bob was a lot quicker on the draw than Daryl expected. He managed to shoot one man while Daryl used his crossbow to take out the other.
“They see us,” Bob said.
Harry’s men were now looking in their direction.
“This is it,” Daryl shouted. “Run!”
They left the cover of the trees and took off to the break in the wall, gunfire aimed at them coming in hot and heavy. Bob cried out just before he got over the wall, and Daryl had to shove him forward to keep him from toppling back down the pile of rubble.
“My leg!” Bob shouted.
“Come on, I got ya.”
“They’re gonna come around here,” said Bob, panting in pain. “Take the stuff and get to Sasha. I’ll make my own way in.”
“We’re already around here, asshole.”
There was a click as a man stepped forward, flashing a light in Bob and Daryl’s faces, momentarily blinding them.
Fuck , Daryl thought, just before the sound of a gunshot made his ears ring.


A/N: I think Daryl likes Sasha more than he cares to admit. What about you?

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