22 September 2014

Invasion of Privacy

"I want Rick to see Michonne bathing and not be in a hurry to look away."
From this prompt


Rick threw his towel over his shoulder and started for the creek. The weather was a little cool, but as summer was in its last legs and fall had begun cool mornings were the norm. He normally would wait a little while, at least until around ten, for the weather to warm before he headed to the water to clean up. They were moving on from their current camp to try and find a house or building to call home for the winter, and they needed to get an early start.

Rick’s breath misted in front of him as he crunched through the leaves. He heard splashing noises, and a couple of sounds like hissing, and froze. They not only needed warm shelter for the winter, but they needed a place to defend. There were a lot of walkers coming up on their camp and now Rick wondered if one had gotten stuck in the stream.

Moving very carefully, Rick inched toward the water, scarcely making a sound. He rounded a tree, expecting to see a bewildered walker in the rushing water of the stream. Instead he found Michonne, completely naked, her toned body dripping wet. She hissed as she ran more cold water over her body. Gooseflesh covered her beautiful, dark brown skin and her nipples were hardened, poking proudly into the air.

He knew he should look away, he should respect her privacy, but she was a sight to behold and he couldn’t tear his gaze away from her. She was the epitome of female beauty, a love goddess in the flesh, having flitted down from some divine mountain to bathe in the stream.  Michonne was lean yet curvy in all the places a woman should have curves. Her thighs were strong, her calves too, and they gracefully tapered to deceptively delicate looking ankles.

Look away, Rick told himself, but it was no good. He didn’t have the willpower, especially when she soaped up her skin. He watched, seemingly in slow motion, as she ran a washcloth over her body, lathering up every inch of her skin before kneeling to rinse out the cloth. He was treated to a peek of her womanhood nestled prettily between those powerful thighs and under her very round bottom. He felt a stirring in his groin, a rush of blood that began to pool warmly in his cock.

Michonne stepped into the deeper running water of the stream and submerged her body to the hips. She dipped in and when she came up she was free of soapy lather. She turned to him then, but Rick was so distracted he didn’t notice she was now facing him. Her snatch had grown a bit wild while out in the rough. He wanted nothing more than to lie her down, run his fingers through it, dip his tongue inside for a taste…

It suddenly hit him that he could see her fully from the front. When he looked up into her eyes she had a very soft, almost amused expression on her face.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I..uh…I just got here…I uh…I didn’t mean to invade your privacy.”

One corner of Michonne’s lips curved up into a smile. She walked out of the water and grabbed her towel to dry off. He was careful to keep his bundle of clothes covering his crotch.

“The water’s very cold but you get used to it,” she said softly, now holding the towel over her.
Rick nodded and then realized she wasn’t in a particular hurry to leave. She dropped the towel, he gulped, and she smiled in full before stepping into her panties and getting dressed. He watched her walk away then, and he wished like hell he’d had the nerve to go into the water with her. He wondered, as he undressed what would have happened if he had.

There was a rustling in the trees behind him. He didn’t look around, but he had a feeling that Michonne lurked there, getting even for the invasion of her privacy. That was okay with him.

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