02 January 2015


Beth Greene wanted to be touched.

Being a virgin wasn't something she was ashamed of. It was just a fact of life. She'd never had occasion to have sex and she had long ago made peace with the fact that she probably never would. She had thought of learning to get herself off but the idea of lying in her bunk, screwing herself, humiliated her.

Besides, she remembered the time she went on a rough ride on Nervous Nelly and tore her hymen. Her mother had tried to take her to old Doc Newman, the only female doctor in their area, and Beth raised such a fuss at the idea of him seeing her down there that he'd had to call his wife, who worked as a midwife and had delivered both her and Maggie, and she'd come in to fully remove it.

"Don't you be embarrassed, Sweetie. This kind of thing can happen. Consider yourself lucky, even."

Beth hadn't understood what that meant then and she still didn't. Not really. Not did she care. Her one shot at a relationship had died on a run. The other men at the prison were older, and that didn't bother her, but she didn't find any of them attractive.

Beth's eyes took in the sight of the big ugly tank the Governor and his people had brought on the attack. It sat there, a hulking beast, and Beth wondered if they would ever get it moved. Nobody knew how to drive a tank.

It was the fences that were the biggest concern for Rick and the council. Hundreds of walkers had been attracted by the gunfire of the fight with the Governor that day. They'd crowded the fences in the aftermath and now it was an even harder struggle to keep the fences up.

Beth sat on the grass by the graveyard and watched as the newcomers, four people who had come with the Governor when he attacked, worked to strengthen the fences. It was because of them, coming along with the Governor, that they faced such die circumstances now.

It was those circumstances that made Beth think about life, her future, and how she was sure she probably didn't have one. She doubted she'd ever know the love of a man. That saddened her. It saddened her to know that the little girl, Meghan, the niece of one of the women who'd helped attack, had died before she'd gotten to live, too.

Daryl Dixon took a break from his work on the fence. She looked at the slump of his shoulders as he sat there. It wasn't as pronounced as it had been for the past two days. He'd blamed himself for the attack, thinking it was his fault. He'd been keenly aware of how close they'd come to losing it all--how close they still were if the fences came down.

Their fight still played out in her mind. They'd said a lot after sharing too many shots of moonshine and a game of Never Have I Ever the night before. They'd cleared the air and he'd opened up to her in ways he never had with anyone else. She just wished she could figure out why he was now avoiding her.


Carol returned to the prison and she brought three people with her. There was an army type guy with red hair, a pretty woman in skimpy clothes, and a man with a mullet.

"What you need is a grasp of how to reinforce the fences. You got a workshop?"

His name was Eugene and he'd taken a few men to the prison workshop and showed them how to reinforce the fences to withstand pressure from the walkers pushing from the outside. After twelve hours of work there were metal bars in place to show up the fences. It was so tight they barely rattled.

Everyone was exhausted. Night had fallen and no one had the energy to remain on their feet. Beth shuffled back to her cell, her whole body aching from a day of exertion, and collapsed in her bunk. She was surprised when she saw Daryl stop by.

"Here," he said, tossing her a bottle of Aleve.

She quickly took two before giving him back the bottle.

"I thought you were avoiding me."

"I was. Just came to say sorry. I never meant to treat you like crap."

She smiled at him. "I just want us to be friends."

He nodded. "We are. Night, Beth."

"Night, Daryl."


Two days later Beth went in search of her father and found him by the graveyard. She sat down next to him and was soon joined by Maggie.

"With all that's been going on lately I haven't had time to speak to you girls," he said.

"You don't know how scared I was too see you out there with him," said Maggie.

"I know."

"If Carl hadn't made the shot that killed the Governor, and Rick hadn't killed that tank operator..." said Beth.

"But they did, and the others fled, or joined us. Michonne and I are safe. We still have our home," Hershel reassured them. "It was a close call but we made it."

"Daddy, why do you look so sad?" Beth asked.

"You know the woman, Lilly? She lost her daughter. She committed suicide. Locked herself in her cell and cut her wrists."

Maggie didn't look surprised which told Beth she knew of what happened.

"That man, Eugene Porter, was severely beaten by his friend Abraham. I managed to stabilize him. He should recover."

"All this happened last night?"

Maggie and Hershel nodded.

"And there's Carol."

"Oh no. What happened to her?"

"She's the one who murdered Karen and David," Maggie explained. "She was trying to stop the spread of the sickness."

"Rick's telling Tyreese now," said Hershel. "He had banished her but now she's being held in a cell. Now that Rick had decided to step into his old shoes he's going to bring her before the council and try her. Tyreese will testify to what he wants done. Then we'll give our input and make a decision."

Beth didn't want to sound petulant but she wondered why she was always left out of everything. She supposed it just wasn't her place to know but she wished she could be included.

"Speak your mind," her father said, reading her, so she did.

"I'm part of the core group, the family. I just want more responsibility than caring for Judith."

Hershel gazed at her with a smile. "I'll bring that up with the council."


Beth couldn't sleep again. She was in her bunk, her body humming with energy that had nothing to do with the small cup of coffee she'd had earlier. She kept thinking about sex. She kept thinking about how short life was. She kept thinking about how it would feel to have a man's hands on her body.

With nothing better to do she decided to get up and go to the library. She understood the basic concept behind masturbation as a way to deal with sexual needs that weren’t being met by a partner but she was simply no good at it. She usually wound up frustrated because no matter what she did she just couldn’t bring about any sense of pleasure that overrode her embarrassment at the act itself.

The library would have materials, she was sure, on what to do. She knew that people brought in books, and before her banishment Carol had been beefing up the library with materials on a range of subject matters from runs she’d gone on. Maybe she’d found something that would be of help to her, even if it was a basic book on sex education.

At this time of night the library was deserted which suited her just fine. She perused the shelves and tried not to get distracted by the Young Adult and Romance sections Carol had established with a pretty good selection of books. She finally found a volume that had the advice she needed and, after making sure she was alone, she sat down between the stacks to read by the light of the candles she’d brought with her. She poured over each page, her eyes drinking in the advice, and found herself curious as well as a little aroused by the words on the page, and the illustrations.

Making sure the library was empty, once again, Beth headed over to the couch in the corner. It was shadowed in darkness since she left the candles on a distant reading table and she laid down, her heart thumping, her body excited at the idea of doing something so risqué in a public place. Somehow that added to the thrill of her first educated attempt.

Feeling both silly and determined she straddled the padded arm of the loveseat and rested her body flat out and then used her thighs to control how much weight she settled on her core. She rolled left to right, and moved up and down, putting pressure in just the right spot, and found that it felt good but not as good as the book implied it should.

She realized a circular motion worked best for her and tried setting up a rhythm. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the motions, trying to figure out what worked for her, but the more she thought about it the more she lost her initial state of arousal. She could just imagine what she looked like, rolling around on the loveseat arm like some damn fool, trying to get herself off. She reminded herself of a male cat she’d once had that kept trying to mate with her arm while she slept. She’d finally had to have him neutered to put a stop to it.

A sigh of frustration huffed through her lips. “Come on, damn it. What’s wrong with me?”


She yelped in horrified surprise and saw Daryl standing by the reading table, watching her, a curious expression on his face.

“You okay?”

Horrified, Beth couldn’t form an answer. She dropped the book from her hands and ran as fast as she could from him.

“Beth!” he called out, but she refused to stop. She couldn’t face him. God only knew how long he’d been standing there, watching her roll her pelvis against the arm of that stupid loveseat, trying, like the fool virgin she was, to bring herself to orgasm and failing miserably. What he must think of her.

Bitter tears of humiliation spilled from her eyes as she ran through the halls back to her cell. She yanked her curtain closed and wept into her pillow, grateful that he didn’t show up to ask after her.

She avoided Daryl like he had the sickness they’d just overcome. Every time she saw him she’d turn the other direction or become very busy doing something and thankfully he took the hint and didn’t approach her. After three days of trying to keep up with the goings on in the prison Beth began to forget her embarrassing encounter with Daryl in the prison library.

Considering that Carol had played a part in saving the prison from the Governor Rick agreed not to banish her. The council sentenced her to a year of confinement and hard labor with no visitors. No one was allowed to speak with her and she had work assigned to her that would keep her busy away from the general population. Her father kept her informed of the proceedings and told her that Carol hadn’t fought her punishment.

“Her guilt is eating away at her,” he’d said. “I could see it. So could Ty.”

As far as greater responsibilities went, Beth was assigned shifts in the guard tower and also was given places on runs when they had to go out. Michonne offered to train her in how to use knifes and Beth asked if she could look for a sword of her own on the next run she went on. Michonne would show her how to use them.

On the fourth night she decided to return to the library to try to find the book she’d dropped. She could read up on it in her cell, which was what she should have done in the first place, she realized. She checked the library, grateful there was no sign of anyone else, especially Daryl, and went to search for the book. She found it back in its proper spot and went to grab it when she heard a voice.


Daryl was there, startling her out of her skin.

“Jesus, Daryl! Would you stop sneaking up on me?”

“Sorry,” he said. He looked embarrassed too and she realized she’d never stopped to consider how he felt about what happened.

“Can we talk?” he said. “I mean, we’re friends, right?”

She nodded but her face was on fire as she followed him to the chairs on the second level by the tall windows. Rain was pattering on them. Daryl lit the candles on the table and they sat there for a long while, just listening to the storm and not speaking.

“Why you run off like that?”

“Why do you think? You caught me…I shouldn’t have tried it here. It was embarrassing.”

He nodded. “Yeah. Sorry about that. I heard you talking and came over to see what was wrong and then you just ran away.”

She studied him. “Didn’t you look at the book?”

He nodded. “You were trying to figure yourself out. Maybe this ain’t the best place for it but there’s nothin’ wrong with that. Girls are more complicated than boys. We’re pretty simple to figure out.”

Beth sagged in relief and this earned her a smile from Daryl. It was small, almost unnoticeable. In fact, she wouldn’t have realized he was grinning if she didn’t know him. It looked so much like a grimace.

She wasn’t sure what else to say. She just sat there, her knees up to her chest, her fingers laced over her shins.

“You should use the flat part of your palm,” he said.

Her face felt like lava had replaced the blood in her veins and was literally burning her head off. “What?” she squeaked.

He was red in the face too. He looked down and cleared his throat. “Friends give each other advice, right?”

She nodded.

“Flat of your palm. Like this,” he said, making a motion over his crotch to demonstrate. “It’ll probably work better than the loveseat. And you should think of stuff…or somebody you like…imagine they’re...”

He suddenly stood and ran his hands over his hair, looking as though he wished the floor could open up and suck him straight into hell for talking to her about self-pleasuring.



“Good luck.”

He left the room and Beth watched him go, her face still burning with embarrassment. Daryl Dixon had just given her advice on how to masturbate. She thought that if she told anyone they wouldn’t have believed her in a million years. Hell, he probably couldn’t believe he’d done it himself.

Beth hurried to her cell and closed her privacy curtain. She made sure there was no light in the room before slipping her hand down her shorts. She lay her palm flat on her vagina and began to rub in the motion Daryl had demonstrated. He was right. It was so much better than the loveseat had been. Still, as she lay there, she tried to picture herself having sex with someone.

Her biggest problem was she just couldn’t imagine what sex was like. How could she? She’d never had it before. She’d only ever seen vanilla love stories. The steamiest scenes she could think of played through her mind but it wasn’t enough. She tried picturing different men, her favorite actors and musicians, and that didn’t work either. She even tried picturing Rick, or Daryl, and she just couldn’t see it.

Frustrated at failing yet again, Beth shifted to playing with her nub, which was very sensitive, but the mood was gone and it did nothing for her. Angry almost to the point of tears, frustrated, wanting only to know what it felt like to be touched, Beth turned onto her side and just rode out the ache in her belly that she couldn’t get rid of. It began to feel like a rock and after awhile her stomach became upset.

Feeling miserable she fell asleep.

Beth really wanted someone to talk to besides Daryl.

It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him, she did, but he was a man and it was awkward subject matter in the best of circumstances.

She was more determined than ever to find out what an orgasm felt like. She wasn’t going to find a partner anytime soon, she figured, so she would have to do the job herself. Daryl had been right. Girls were complicated. She was complicated and she was frustrating herself like crazy. She would walk the halls when she wasn’t working, her body feeling tense all over, especially in her gut. She just wanted to find relief from this nameless need she had inside of her.

It wasn’t an easy choice to make but Beth decided she’d just have to live with the frustration. Weeks passed and the new faces became familiar. Eugene Porter was a valuable member of the community, helping them to begin construction on a wall that would eventually be strong enough to replace the fences completely. She was assigned to Daryl’s team to go on a few runs for construction supplies. Trucks were brought in to haul materials raided from a local concrete supply company and Abraham was able to move the tank once the walkers were cleared out. That was an ongoing threat, the walkers. The sounds of construction brought new ones every day.

“We won’t be able to recognize this place in a few months,” Daryl said, driving through the gate that Carl had helped open with Rosita, a woman he had developed a powerful crush on.

“I know. I just hope it’s safer.”

“That Eugene fella may be a liar but he knows his stuff when it comes to science.”

He parked the truck and Beth lamented giving up the air conditioning for the humid heat that blanketed the outside. The inside of the prison was uncomfortably warm, too.

“Not to embarrass you but did it work?”

She was relieved that her face didn’t feel alarmingly hot this time. Daryl was only trying to help, to be a friend, and she felt like she could open up to him since he’d opened up to her.

“No. I just…I’ve never been with anyone. I don’t have anything sexy to imagine. I’ve never even seen one, you know, one, before, in real life. It’s just pointless and…I’m gonna have to just live with it, I guess.”

He swallowed and nodded. They climbed from the truck and Beth was going to head inside to look for Judith when Daryl said, “Meet me in the library tonight at eleven. I might have some tips that’ll help.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

He shrugged. “I’ll be there. If you don’t show it’s okay.”

He hurried away to get help unloading the truck, looking horrified at the subject matter. She found that his embarrassment eased her own and she decided what the hell. Maybe he’d have some advice that would actually work, so when eleven o’clock came around Beth entered the library.

Daryl was there and he asked her to lock the door behind her. That made her frown, wondering why he’d want the door locked for a talk, but she flipped the lock and came into the room, up to the second level where they always talked. The window was cracked to let out the stagnant air in the library. A cool breeze was blowing in and she breathed in the fresh air that came through. Daryl sat on the chair watching her, giving her time to decide to sit down in the chair across from his.

When she did, he sat forward and rubbed his palms on the knees of his pants. He looked scared shitless and she thought that this subject matter was a real hurdle for him to overcome. She appreciated the effort from him more than he knew.

“Do you trust me, Beth?”

“Of course I do.”

He licked his lips and nodded. “You’re really sure? You really trust me?”

She frowned, knowing that he was going to ask something from her, so she gave the question serious consideration. Considering the kind of loyal man she knew him to be, and considering how honorable he was, Beth knew she did trust him.

“I trust you completely.”

“Okay,” he said, and took another deep breath. “Take off your clothes.”

Beth didn’t react immediately. She just sat there, staring at him, grateful he didn’t push. He just stared back at her, his eyes locked on hers, but she saw his bottom lip tremble a couple of times and she knew this was as torturous for him as her.

“Um…take off my clothes?”

Daryl nodded but didn’t speak again.

He’d asked if she trusted him. She’d said yes. Now he was asking her to prove it. She felt a flutter in her belly when she stood up. Daryl Dixon had asked her to get naked. She’d known they were going to talk about masturbation but she’d just thought talk was all that would be involved. Did he have some kind of practical lesson in mind? Was he going to walk her through it or did he plan to touch her? What was about to happen?

With terribly trembling hands Beth lifted her shirt off and busied her hands with turning it right side out again. Just anything to keep from flying out of her skin. Daryl was watching her and she realized that she liked it. She was only in her bra. She was standing there trembling in her bra, with Daryl watching her take off her clothes, and she could feel her heart rate pick up.

“All of them?”

He nodded. Still silent. Beth couldn’t get her fingers to work right to unclasp her bra so she just pulled it over her head. She was intensely aware of how her breasts dropped and lightly jiggled when she pulled the material over her head. His eyes were glued to her tits and that made her nipples harden almost painfully. Even the breeze from the open window felt like a physical touch, a caress on her sensitive flesh. That spurred her on to pull off her shorts and kick off her shoes. Now she stood before him, fully naked.

It took a couple of seconds to find her voice and make it come out as more than a quaky squeak.

“Now what?”

“Lay down,” he said. He pulled a cushion off of a chair so she could use it as kind of a pillow.

Beth lay down, her feet now to the window, and she rested her head on the little cushion and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves. Her blood was thundering in her ears so hard she could hardly hear anything besides her own heartbeat.

“It’s okay,” Daryl said, trying to help her calm down. “I mean, you ain’t gotta do this. I just thought since telling you stuff wasn’t workin’ I could show you.”

“I’m okay,” she squeaked again. She cleared her throat, wishing she had something to drink.

“Mouth dry?” he asked.

She nodded and he got up.

“I’ll be back in a second.”

She was so glad he was gone. She needed the solitude to get herself under control. She was wired like she’d drank ten shots of espresso. In the minute that Daryl was gone she regained some of her composure, but when he was back with a bottle of water she guzzled half of it.

“Thanks,” she said nervously.

He nodded and set the bottle on the table.

“You ready?”

 Beth nodded.

“Show me how you did it, with your palm,” he said.

He wanted her to touch herself. In front of him. He was going to watch her masturbate! Or at least try. Biting her lip, Beth reached for herself, but her thighs closed up and her hand shook so bad she literally ended up just resting her hand on her belly.

“Beth it’s okay,” he said. “I’m just trying to help.”

“I know.”

“You said you trusted me. So trust me. Trust yourself, too. Breathe. It’s okay.”

His assurances helped her calm down. He held up a hand, showing them to her, before slowly reaching down to take her knees and pull them apart. He lifted them so her feet were on the floor but not at a sharp angle. Then he put his hands on his legs and nodded at her.

With a slightly calmer hand she reached for herself and pressed down. She rubbed side to side and then stopped.

“I did it like that,” she said.

“Okay. Try it like this.”

Again he showed her his hand so she knew what was coming. Or so she thought.

He placed her hand back on herself then rested his over hers and began to rub in an up and down motion. Somehow he knew just the right amount of pressure. Not too little, not too much.

“Like that,” he said, and sat back again. “You do it.”

Beth did as instructed while Daryl watched. She didn’t know if it was the right technique, or him watching, or both things, but this time she felt ripples of pleasure go through her like she’d never felt before, even in her best efforts. A little gasp of pleasure escaped her and she bit down on her lip.

“Sorry,” she said, feeling embarrassed.

“It’s okay. You’re supposed to like it,” he said, smiling. “There’s other stuff you can do.”

“Like what?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose. He was clearly struggling but she blushed, feeling stupid and inexperienced and thougth he was losing patience with her.

“Um…” he sighed. “You’ll really have to trust me.”

“I do,” she said, meaning it this time.

“I’m not tryin’ to be nasty on you. Just wanna help.”

She nodded, eager to learn what else he had to teach her. Plus, it helped that he was good looking. She’d never thought of Daryl before in terms of sex but now she didn’t think it would be so bad if he touched her. In fact, she really, really wanted his hands on her, but she didn’t think he’d do it. He was only trying to be a friend but she wanted a lot more than that right now. Those damned shoulders and arms of his never looked so good before.

He reached out, his arm tense, and took her hand. “Run your fingers over your…um…”

“Say it,” she said, when his voice trailed off. “Say it kinda…dirty…”

He was blushing furiously. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, as though it was a struggle to get the words out. “Run your fingers over your pussy,” he said. He sounded breathless now.

Hearing pussy come out of Daryl’s mouth made her moisten. “How?”

He took her hand, which he was still holding, and used the two front fingers to rub lightly over the lips of her pussy. She felt the moisture there, felt almost electric shocks shoot deep into her core as her fingers grazed her sensitive flesh.

“Get your fingertips wet,” he said. “Go inside a little.”

She dipped her fingers into her folds. She was wetter than she’d imagined it could be possible. When her fingers were glistening he removed his hand.

“Now play with the lips of your pussy. Tug on them, rub them.”

She swallowed and did as instructed but she had a hard time getting a grip and keeping hold of herself.

He reached forward hesitantly and moved her hand out of the way. “Do it like this.”

He dipped his fingers in, wetting them with her moisture, and she watched him doing it, feeling her belly quiver with pleasure and need. He then began to rub lightly, and stroked her lips with the kind of expertise that must have taken him a long time to master.

“Oh, God…”

Having him do it was so much better than her doing it.

“Now you try,” he said. Without thinking he licked her moisture from his fingers the same way he’d lick his fingers after eating something delicious, and she knew he’d done it without thinking or putting any kind of conscious thought into it. It was just a reflex reaction. His eyes locked onto hers while his fingers were still in his mouth and he quickly removed them and cleared his throat.

He’d tasted her. The sight of that spurred Beth on and she clumsily set to work, doing what he’d told her, working herself up but it only went so far. While it was good, it wasn’t enough to get her there.

“It’s good,” she said. “Not enough. I need more.”

Daryl licked his lips. She knew he could probably still taste her.

“You can’t learn everything about yourself in one night,” he said, and stood up. She saw the unmistakable bulge.

“You’re not leaving!”

“Yeah, I am. I gotta go, Beth. I don’t want to go too far with you. I wanna make that clear. I’m not gonna take this too far. I’m not having sex with you. I’m being a friend. That’s all I am. Get dressed. I’ll walk you back to your cell.”

She stood up, her knees weak. She felt tears of frustration in her eyes. “Daryl, this is even worse than what I felt before. How can you just walk away?”

“It’s for your own good. Mine too!” he said. “You think I ain’t frustrated? I knew this’d be hard going into it but I wanna help you. I just…I can’t be with you like that. You’re eighteen, I’m thirty-eight, it wouldn’t be right.”

“I’m old enough to know what I want. It ain’t like I don’t know your age.”

He shook his head. “This is what it is. I’ll show you pointers and you do the work of getting yourself off. When you’ve learned what I got to show ya, it’s over.”

Sighing, trying to understand where he was coming from and not be angry, Beth pulled on her clothes and let him walk her back to her cell.

“Tomorrow night, midnight. I won’t be back from my guard shift till then,” he said.

Beth nodded and watched him turn to leave.

“Practice,” he said, looking back at her.

Practice. What was this, homework? She thought angrily. She was too mad to practice so she pulled up the covers and went to sleep.

When midnight came around Beth hurried from the showers to the library. Daryl was late getting there. He, too, had taken a shower. Without a word he cracked open a window. There was rain again, which meant that the next day would be hellishly humid, but for now it was a welcome relief from the heat that had plagued them most of the day.

“You still mad at me?” he asked.

She shook her head. “I know you mean well. I just wish you wouldn’t treat me like a child the same everybody else does.”

“I know you ain’t a kid,” he answered. “You’re just too young for me. Plus…I don’t wanna be your first. You deserve better than me.”

“Who’s better than you?”

The question was asked with such sincerity that Daryl knew she wasn’t putting on. She really couldn’t think of a better man to be her first than him. He was flattered but at the same time he was mystified.

“I told you what I was before all this. I was nothin’. I’m still nothin’.”

“You’re not nothing!” she said, frustrated with his low self-esteem. “You feed us. You protect us. You lead us, Daryl. You’re a leader here. Remember when we said you had to put it all behind you? Be who you are, not who you were. You make decisions that effect everybody here. Hell, you help write laws. You’re second in command of the prison. If something happens to Rick you’re in charge next. I mean…he looks to you for guidance. If Rick looks to you for advice, for your wisdom, then how can you think you’re nothing?”

Daryl swallowed, reeling with confusion, not sure what to say to her. She was right about his position now in their community, small as it was. Rick was a man to be respected, looked up to, and he looked to Daryl for his input on almost everything. He wasn’t nothing anymore. He was somebody. He was lonely, too, and he thought maybe that was why he was so eager to help Beth with her frustrations. He was only missing one thing in his life and that was love.

Why Beth, though? Daryl wondered.

He was able to answer that question almost immediately. They’d bonded during a night of drinking and crying it out and he trusted her. She knew things about him nobody knew, not even Carol or Rick, and he was okay with that. He was okay with her being close. He was okay with sharing everything with her. She felt right to him. She had no idea how badly he’d wanted to do everything to her himself and please her so she wouldn’t have to do it.

That would be doing her a disservice, though. She needed to learn her own body. She needed to learn how to please herself because she deserved to be able to find happiness whether she had a lover to help out or not.

“You ready?” he asked.

Beth nodded and pulled her clothes off. Tonight she looked distracted. He hoped it wouldn’t get in the way of the next lesson.

“What am I learning tonight, Mr. Dixon?” she asked sarcastically. Even being naked wasn’t a turn-on. Not while she was this frustrated.

“Your clit.”

She swallowed. She knew that was supposed to be a biggie but she didn’t see the appeal. She’d touched it but it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be and she told him.

“You gotta be horny for it to be good,” he said.

“Well, I’m not horny,” she said petulantly.

The first serious smile she’d ever seen on Daryl split his face. “Don’t pout.”

“Don’t tell me not to pout! See, you’re doing it! You’re treating me--”

He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. It was such a light kiss that it was nothing more than a gentle pressing. It did the job and shut her up. She was suddenly intensely aware of him, of her nudity, of the reason she was there. He sat back and pulled off his shirt and her eyes drank him in. From those shoulders to the tattoos to the rippling muscles of the flat plane of his belly.

“Do what you know so far,” he said, his hands back in their customary place of resting on his legs.

Beth nodded and placed her feet the way he’d placed them the night before and started off with rubbing with her palm. Then she felt herself moisten and she dipped her fingers inside before stroking the lips of her pussy. Daryl watched, his eyes smoky and this time he didn’t have a shirt on to hide the growing bulge in his pants. That was more of a turnon than ever. She struggled not to make a sound.

“If you wanna moan you can,” he said. “You’re supposed to enjoy this. You ain’t gotta be quiet for me. Just close your eyes and feel it.”

Beth adjusted her shoulders and did as instructed. She went through the motions and started to like it. She didn’t even jump when she felt him take her hand and then lead it to the swollen, hardened nub that was hidden above her slit. He began to rub circles there.

“You got this fold of skin here,” Daryl said. “It covers your clit. Move it aside, get in there, make different motions.”


“Like this.”

He moistened his fingertips and then, even without her looking, she felt him manipulate her. She felt his fingers graze her clit.

“Oh, God…Daryl…”

Her eyes fluttered open onto his face. He was looking down at her, his mouth slightly open, fixated on her with a look of lust and wonder on his face. His breath had quickened. He was hard in his jeans.

“You do it.”

Her hips had lifted off the floor. He pressed a hand to her belly and that made it so much better.

“Keep your hand there, please?”

He nodded and kept his hand on her belly while she manipulated her clit as he’d showed her.

“Stroke it,” he said, and placed his fingers over hers to show her how. It was like a miniature version of jacking off a man.

She began moaning, mourning the loss of his fingers. The pressure from his hand was wonderful, especially the way his fingertips stroked her belly.

“Oh, God…” she panted. “Oh…”

The moans became more intense. How had she ever thought her clitoris was nothing special?

“More…more…” she was panting.

She needed more but she wasn’t sure what. Her eyes opened. She looked up at him. He was watching her with his teeth biting his bottom lip. Lazily his fingers stroked circles on her belly and then moved up to her right tit. He gripped the nipple there.


“God, Beth…you’re close, I can feel it.”

“Wait, I need to pee.”

“No you don’t. Just seems that way. This is something different. Something really good,” he said, watching her fingers make quick movements over her clit, circling through the hood. He was pinching her nipple which felt so good, but then he used his right hand to rest his palm flat over her pussy and he began massaging there, up and down, adding to the delicious pressure building in her core.

Her moans were growing in volume and intensity, mirroring the tension in her body. She was sure she was going to explode, that she could just die from the pleasure, and she’d be okay with that.

“Yes…” Daryl whispered, lost in the moment despite his best intentions to keep himself removed from it as much as possible.

“Oh God!”

Then it happened. The pressure built to a peak and she felt herself lose it, let go. There was an explosion in the core of her body. Her pussy contracted deep inside sending ripples of the most intense pleasure she’d ever known from her core to her toes and fingertips. Her hips had lifted from the floor, her hands had flown out to her sides of their own volition. One of her hands had gripped his thighs as she rode out the sensations coursing through her.

Then it was over and she collapsed back to the floor, panting, her body covered in sweat, her heart thundering.

Beth Greene had finally experienced her first orgasm.

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