08 August 2014

A United Front Chapter 7

Daryl and the others returned with bad news that didn’t quite contradict anything Kevin had told Rick about the number of men and ammo Bishop had. Daryl took a moment to draw a couple of maps of Bishop's location while it was fresh in his mind.

“Maybe we should trade their man for a chance to escape,” Dale suggested.

“Bishop wants our blood. He’s not going to let us go for one man,” Hershel replied.

“Let me talk to this fellow,” Dale insisted. “With calm minds we may be able to reason--”

Maggie was frustrated when she said, “Dale, stop being a fool! You’ve seen how sick Bishop is. You know what he’s capable of. He can’t be reasoned with.”

“What are we gonna do with that guy?” said Daryl.

“Burn him. He’s dead,” Rick answered.

Most of the people in the room looked shocked. Some looked relieved. Dale looked between Hershel and Rick several times. Hershel seemed strangely neutral while Dale was frightened and uncertain.

“You just…killed him?” Dale said.

Rick ignored Maggie’s roll of the eyes in favor of focusing on Dale. “He was gonna lead Bishop and his men right to our front door. What would you have me do with him?”

“I don’t know, but murdering the man while he’s tied down to a chair…It isn’t right!”

“You didn’t hear what he said about Beth, how he spoke of her not lasting long with Bishop’s men,” Rick shot back.

“He threatened Beth?” Daryl asked.

Rick nodded. “We couldn’t have kept him,” Rick tried to explain to the others. “He would have killed or hurt some of our own if he’d escaped. We can’t send him back to Bishop. The man was a rapist and a murderer--”

“You ain’t gotta explain yourself,” said Daryl. “You’re our leader. You made the call and we’ll stand behind it. Those who can’t live with it are welcome to leave and try their luck out there on their own.”

Daryl’s eyes were on Dale on those last words. Dale looked wide-eyed with anger but he held in any sarcastic response. Instead he said, “Let’s just pack up and leave.”

“And go where, Dale?” Sasha asked. “Bishop will hound us all over Georgia and beyond. Looks like this Governor dude is the same way. No, we need to stand and fight.”

“I agree with Sasha,” said Glenn. “This school is a goldmine. It’s got food, it’s close to water, it has a strong wall and gate to keep the walkers out. We’ve got land to farm for vegetables, we can catch fish, we have running water and good shelter. I’m not willing to give all this up without a fight.”

“Me either,” said Tyreese. Carol was nodding in agreement. Finally, it looked like the only one who wanted to bolt was Dale, but he kept any further objections to himself.

“How will we fight them, though?” asked Carol. “We don’t have nearly enough weapons and ammo, or people, to take on both Bishop and the Governor.”

“No, we don’t, but the Governor can fight Bishop for us.”

Andrea frowned and stepped forward. “How do you mean?”

“Nobody here understands the Governor better than me and Daryl. We’ve been on the inside with him. We’ve seen his tactics. He doesn’t work with people. He conquers them and takes wha they have for his self. I’ve got an idea on how to use him to our advantage but it’s dangerous. Very dangerous. I think it can work, though.”

“We’re all gonna die,” said Beth.

“Everybody dies,” replied Daryl. “Even if it’s just old age, something’s gonna kill ya.”

“I mean this fight is probably what’s gonna kill us,” Beth elaborated.

“Maybe, but it’s all we’ve got.”

Daryl stopped and looked at Beth. She had dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. Anxiety made a crease appear between her lovely blue eyes. Still, standing in the shadows of the forest as the sky began to gray with the first weak rays of dawn she was the most beautiful person he’d ever laid eyes on.

“We’re gonna live. I’m gonna marry you.”

Beth nodded and continued on, showing more confidence than she felt. She wanted to see this through, get it over with, so she and Daryl could make good on that promise. She wanted the constant conflict with the living to be over. It was bad enough they had to fight the dead, but this never-ending war with living people had to stop, eventually, or humanity would kill itself off before it could even begin to recover. She wanted peace. She wanted a life with her family and the man she loved. 

They were close to the Governor’s camp. Close enough to smell the cook fires. She kissed Daryl, hoping it wasn’t the last time, and then started boldly for the edge of the Governor’s camp. There were about ten men, including Brian Blake, milling about a few fires trying to wake up.

“Well, what a surprise,” the Governor said, seeing Beth. He stood from his place beside a fire. “Beth Greene. If you’re here, Dixon can’t be far behind.”

“How badly do you want Shane Walsh?” Beth asked, getting right to the point.

The Governor smiled. “Why don’t you sit down with me and enjoy a cup of coffee? Then we can discuss whatever offer you’re here to make.”

Beth shook her head. There was no way in hell she was getting near him or going further into that camp. “No, thank you. I know where Shane is. I’m going to reach for something in my pocket, very slowly.”

“You don’t have to move slow,” the Governor sneered. “I’m sure you’re not going to draw on me with this many men around.”

Beth pulled the map that Daryl had drawn out of her back pocket and held it up. “He’s with a man named Micah Bishop. He has quite a collection of guns and ammo. Take him out, kill Shane, loot his supplies and then go home and call it a good day.”

“This Bishop must be a threat to Grimes,” said the Governor with a shrewd look on his face.

Beth nodded. “Yeah, he is. He’s also a threat to you. Bishop has a philosophy of killing anyone who could pose a threat to his rule. Shane will lead him right to Woodbury once they’re done with Rick. If you don’t stop him now it’s only a matter of time before you wind up with a serious threat riding up to your door. He’s got armored trucks, men, and a shitload of guns and ammo.”

The Governor nodded for one of his lackeys to take the map from Beth. She gave it over, never once taking her eyes off of Blake’s.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend…” the Governor said, smiling. “All right. Tell Grimes that I’m not done with him either. I will find him. I will destroy him…another day.”

Beth nodded and then hurried away. She felt ten times lighter simply by being away from his cold, steady gaze. She met up with Daryl.

“You heard all of that?” she asked.

“Every word,” Daryl confirmed. “So far so good.”

The two of them all but ran back home.

Rick made certain Carl had a gun and some extra ammunition before leading him to the jeep where Dale sat behind the wheel.

“This blows,” Carl complained. “I’m old enough to help defend our home!”

“You don’t know these men like I do, Carl. God only knows what they’d do to you,” said Rick.

“What, like rape?” asked Carl.


“But they’re after the women, not a teenage boy.”

Rick stopped and regarded his son. There was so much about life Carl didn’t understand. So much he did. He was in that awkward stage in between childhood and adulthood. He could defend against the walkers but Rick wasn’t ready to let him go into battle against living opponents.

“Son, it doesn’t matter to some men if they’re raping a kid or a woman or man. I know you’re a capable fighter. When this is over you can help us defend against the walkers--”

“If there’s anything left to defend,” said Carl.

Rick sighed and nodded. He gripped his son’s shoulder. “I know you’re worried you’ll lose me, too. That’s always going to be a possibility. I promise you, I’m gonna do all I can to survive this and get back to you. Carl, I can't have you there with bullets flying. I already thought I lost you once. If I had to go through that again it would end me. I love you. Remember that.”

Carl nodded and thankfully stopped arguing. He got into the Jeep with Dale. He waved at Michonne, who made her way out of the school and headed toward Rick.

“Park behind the shops, in the alley, instead of on the street,” Rick said. “Hide in the apartment above the shoe shop. We’ll come for you when this is over.”

Dale nodded and started the Jeep. Rick watched him drive off with Carl, who cast a long glance over his shoulder. Seeing his son leave to a place of safety lifted a lot of weight off Rick’s shoulders.

“If the Governor doesn’t show?” asked Michonne, coming to stand beside Rick.

“Then we’ll have to fight Bishop all on our own,” answered Rick. He turned to face his people. They were all armed and looked properly scared.

“Let’s go before it gets light,” said Rick.

His people fell into step behind him and followed him into the trees, using the markers that Daryl had put up to guide them. It took longer than Rick expected to reach the camp. He took up a spot and then watched as his people headed off to the left to circle around so they could come up on the other side. By the time he spotted his people in the trees the sky was a light gray in color. Clouds were gathering.

From his vantage point Rick could hear Bishop and Shane talking, but he nearly gave himself away when Daryl came to a stop behind a nearby tree and signaled to him, startling him.

Daryl gave Rick a single nod. It was done. The Governor was on his way. Everything now hinged on the Governor and Bishop not getting along. If they struck a deal then Rick knew they could kiss it goodbye.

“Kevin shoulda been back hours ago,” Bishop said. “He’s a good fighter and a fast runner. None of the freaks could have gotten to him.”

“If he ran up on another group, or Rick, he could be dead,” Shane pointed out.

“Rick, the so-called pussy?” Bishop questioned. “Seems like he’s grown a pair since you knew him.”

“It won’t matter if he’s got balls made of steel. You’ve got more firepower. You’ve got men who ain’t afraid to kill or die.”

“Ain’t afraid to die, true, but we ain’t exactly eager either.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of approaching trucks. Two armored trucks rolled up. Both had manned gun mounts on the back. Shane looked into the passenger side of the first truck and all the blood seemed to drain from his face.

“Fuck,” he whispered.

“Who the hell are they?” Bishop demanded. He only had one armored truck. The newcomers were a threat he hadn’t planned for. It seemed to Bishop he’d gone through his whole life not planning far enough in advance for things. He’d always told himself it would be his undoing. It seemed he’d not been wrong.

“Remember I told you about a man who calls himself the Governor? Remember Woodbury? This is him. He’ll talk a nice game, try to befriend you, and at the first opportunity betray you. Don’t let your guard down even for a second.”

“He’s just like me, if the booty is worth it,” said Bishop. He looked at his truck. He thought of how he’d brought practically his whole stash in guns and ammo. The booty was definitely worth killing for.

The Governor got out of the first truck but only to stand on the runner behind the open door. He smiled coolly at Shane.

“There you are!” he said in a friendly tone while his eyes remained cold. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Shane.”

“How did you find me?”

“Beth Greene gave me a map to your camp. It would seem, Mr. Bishop, that you and I have a common enemy. His name is Rick Grimes. I have a proposal for you.”

Fuck, Rick thought.

“What would that be?” Bishop asked.

“You give me this lying, scum-bag traitor, and I’ll help you take Grimes and his group out.”

“I don’t want to kill the whole group, just the men,” Bishop said. “It’s the women I’m after.”

Shane looked nervous. His hand had gone toward his holster. It looked like Bishop was ready to deal and hand him over to the Governor.

“Fine. Keep the women. I’ve got plenty so I don’t need them,” said the Governor.

Bishop nodded at Shane. “As for the scum-bag traitor, he’s all yours.”

“You motherfucker,” Shane said.

Bishop shrugged. “Every man has to own up to his actions.”

The real reason, Rick was sure, was that Bishop wasn’t willing to fight the Governor over Shane. Not when he wasn’t prepared for the altercation. It was time to help the Governor and Bishop’s conflict move along.

Rick signaled to Tyreese, who took aim from his vantage point almost directly behind Bishop. He very nearly hit the Governor, who immediately jumped back into the truck, yelling orders to shoot back.

Shane dove behind Bishop’s truck as bullets started to fly. Bishop lost three of his remaining seven men almost at once. He, Shane, and the final four men took shots at the Governor and his men but only managed to kill off one of the Governor’s men.

Rick decided to help Bishop out. He and Daryl began firing from the trees, picking the Governor’s men off like old beer bottles at target practice. By the time he called for his men to fall back, the Governor had only one man left in the back truck, himself, and his driver.

Brian Blake wasn’t a suicidal fool. He and his two remaining men pulled out fast, leaving Rick and his people to focus their fire on Bishop’s people. They fell under a weathering assault until only Shane and Bishop were left.

“Wish I’d killed you when I had the chance,” Bishop lamented, before making a run for the passenger side door of his truck. He almost made it, but Hershel put two bullets into his leg, causing him to fall to the ground and scream in agony.

Rick and his people emerged from the trees. He took aim at Shane, who didn’t dare go for his gun. Hershel made a beeline for Bishop and forced the man to roll onto his back.

“You won’t lay a finger on our women, or any other women, ever again,” Hershel told him.

“Fuck you, old man,” Bishop said, and tried to spit in Hershel’s direction. Hershel responded by putting him down.

“And what are you gonna do, Rick, huh?” Shane asked with a sneer, and threw his gun to the side as he stood to face Rick. It occurred to Rick that Shane honestly believed he would walk away from this, after all he’d done. “You’ve never had the guts to kill an unarmed man. You don’t have what it takes to eliminate a threat. You never did.”

Andrea, Daryl, and Beth came to stand behind Rick. It was his eyes that held Shane’s attention now. It was the truth he saw there that made him realize he’d fucked with the wrong man. He’d pushed Rick just a little too far.

“Tell that to Kevin when you see him in hell,” Rick said, leveling his gun at Shane’s forehead.

He pulled the trigger.

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